Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Pastry School Update

(Pinup Illustration by the great Gil Elvgren)

I did it!!! I finished the Pastry and Baking Program at Escoffier Online International Culinary Academy!! It was such a great experience and I would definitely recommend the program to anyone.  I loved it so much that I have enrolled in their specialty program for Healthy Baking, which will teach me the ins and outs of baking gluten free, vegan, raw and farm-to-table among other healthy baking techniques.

If you are local (San Gabriel Valley/Los Angeles area of California) and are interested in ordering for a special occasion or just because email me!!  No fondant...strictly homemade goodness like moms and grannies make.  Check out my Flickr page for a "taste" of my work, but we can work together to create something to suit your tastes!

I look forward to working with you...Thank you for your support!

Happy Baking,
Dani xoxo